9 years agoFrequent Contributor
python run-time error "method is not callable"
Hi All my aim is to get the data from the excel and execute the method which given in the excel but am facing the Python Run-time Error method cannot be callable for the lines 4 and 6
def ReadDataFromExcel(): xl = Sys.OleObject["Excel.Application"] book = xl.Workbooks.open("C:\\DriverSheet.xls") TCSheet = book.Worksheets("TestCases") #TCSheet = WorkBook.worksheets("TestCases") TSSteps = book.Worksheets("TestSteps") TCRows = TCSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count for i in range(2,TCRows): if TCSheet.cells(i,2).Value == "Yes": SlNo = TCSheet.cells(i,1).Value Module = TCSheet.cells(i,2).Value TestCase = TCSheet.cells(i,3).Value Duration = 0 TSRows = TSSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count for j in range (2,TSRows): if((TSSheet.cells(j,1).Value == TestCase) and ( TSSheet.cells(j,4).Value == "Yes")): Flag = Flag+1 if Flag ==1: Report.CreateTestCaseReportHeader(TestCase) TSCols = TSSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count TSData = "" for k in range (5 , TSCols): TSData = TSData & TSSheet.cells(j,k).Value & ";" Parameter = Split(Tsdata,";") BeforeTime = aqDateTime.Time() Execute.TSSheet.cells(j,3).value AfterTime = aqDateTime.Time() Duration = Duration + aqDateTime.TimeInterval(AfterTime,BeforeTime)
Can anyone help me out
Worksheets and Cells are collections, and in Python you need to use .Item[] to access the collection items. So change
book.Worksheets("TestCases") TCSheet.cells(i,1)
book.Worksheets.Item["TestCases"] TCSheet.cells.Item[i,1]
Also check the documentation for Python specifics in TestComplete.