Forum Discussion

lsainsbury's avatar
10 years ago

Property Checkpoint taking 15 seconds to verify

I'm running a simple test that checks four values from a field, the Property Checkpoints are taking 15 seconds to verify the data. However when I run another test that checks some values, they take 1 ...
  • lsainsbury's avatar
    10 years ago
    So I ended up finding a strange solution to this problem, I don't know if it will help you Marsha but i'll explain anyway.

    I have attached a file of the tabbed window so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

    I was checking the data from the Common tab, so I had to simulate a left click to make the common tab visible. While I was creating the rest of the tests I missed out a left click by accident which means we were still in the Line tab, however the Property Checkpoints still passed.

    Apparently, the Common tab is still visible even though we can't see it on the screen, and the Property Checkpoints went through in 1 second.

    I have no idea why this is lol but it works :)