Forum Discussion

dagb60bear's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Post Bug to JIRA plugin issue found in TestComplete 14

I am posting but to Jira on Test Complete 

I have logged in successfully to Jira.  I am getting the following error"An error occurred while formatting the string. Possible reason:bad parameters of string formatting. 

JiraSupport.js Line 386 Column 6

Plugin JIRA Bug Reporting Extenstion 1.0 Smartbear Software

Location ..\,,\ScriptExtensions\JiraSupport.tcx


I have sent the error file to support and followed support guidance but I can complete my post

The script file note error is found in 

error line in js

statusLines.Add(aqString.Format (umsg_post_bug_error_occurred, res.error));

This is Post Bug to Jira functionality found in Test Complete 14.30.3743.7 x64 

  • Hi dagb60bear,

    Let me post an update from the support case: our R&D team has confirmed that this feature will be significantly improved in the next TestComplete version. It should be released next year.

  • dagb60bear's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    error line in js

    statusLines.Add(aqString.Format (umsg_post_bug_error_occurred, res.error));

    • Marsha_R's avatar

      If you've opened an issue with Support and what they gave you to do didn't solve the problem, then you need to let Support know and follow up with them.  

      • sonya_m's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hidagb60bear ! Please keep us updated when you get results from the support team!