Forum Discussion

MarcosSolus's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Portuguese language typing problem in vbScript keyword test

Hi everyone,


I have a problem to typing à and Õ, the keyword testing cannot typing this caracters and i receive a |Incomplete keyboard input| warning in log file.


I trying change to |~a|, but have same problem.


Today, i send this information in a .xls and the routine is:

Sys.Process("hss").VCLObject("Form_Coberturas").VCLObject("TabbedNotebook1").Window("TTabPage", "Definição da regra de cobertura", 1).VCLObject("PageControl1").VCLObject("TabSheet11").VCLObject("Panel2").VCLObject("DBIncCombo4").Keys(vValor)

The value o param vValor is:

Co-participação sobre valores de tabela


The keyword test stop typing in Co-participaç


I use TestComplete version 11.


I send a printscreen of paused Keyword test with debuging variable and a printscreen of testing log.


Thanks everyones :)

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