Forum Discussion

mesg2anil's avatar
Regular Contributor
13 years ago

Pick Recent / Latest Excel File


We've "Export To Excel" option in our application, when I export, it will write the data to excel file and store it in a folder. I'm doing this export through TestComplete.

From the folder, I want to pick the latest / recent excel file for further comparison testing, how should I tell TC to pick the latest file, is there a way to do so? Please suggest.
  • mesg2anil's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Irina,

    I'm troubling you again... have a question... :)

    Below subroutine will call the function LastModifiedFle and get the excel file name(the one you helped me with), but I'm facing a problem here.

    1. If I get the filename from Function to Subroutine, can I open the excel file using the below line...

    Call Excel.Workbooks.Open("E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\" &LastModifiedFle)

    I tried, but it is not recognizing the file, above line is reading only till folder Exported Reports, it is not taking &LastModifiedFle to read the filename, how to get this read the filename? TestResults zip file is attached for more details with screenshot in the .mht file. Code is below

    Sub chek'Open Excel Connection

    Dim LastModifiedFle

    Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

    Call Excel.Workbooks.Open("E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\" &LastModifiedFle) 'getting the filename from Function

    Log.Message LastModifiedFle

    chek Excel = .OleObject("Excel.Application") Excel.Workbooks.Open("E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\" &LastModifiedFle) .Message LastModifiedFle


    End Sub

    Function LastModifiedFle

    Dim FolderName, FolderInfo, Num, i, FileDate, NewestTime, LatestFileIndex

    FolderName = "E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports"

    Set FolderInfo = aqFileSystem.GetFolderInfo(FolderName)

    Num = FolderInfo.Files.Count


    Log.Message "The folder contains " &Num &" files."

    NewestTime = aqDateTime.SetDateTimeElements(1000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

    LatestFileIndex = 0

    For i = 0 to Num-1

    FileDate = FolderInfo.Files.Item(i).DateLastModified

    if(aqDateTime.Compare(NewestTime, FileDate) < 0) then

    NewestTime = FileDate

    LatestFileIndex = i

    end if




    sPath = FolderInfo.Files.Item(LatestFileIndex).Path

    fName = FolderInfo.Files.Item(LatestFileIndex).Name

    Log.Message NewestTime &": " & sPath

    Log.Message NewestTime &": " & fName

    LastModifiedFle = fName     'I'm passing the excel filename to function and passing it to above subroutine

    End Function

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Hi Anil,

    The problem is that you scratch the value returned by the LastModifiedFle function at the beginning of the chek'Open Excel Connection routine. To avoid the mentioned error, you just need to delete the Dim LastModifiedFle line from the code of the chek'Open Excel Connection routine. Does it work now?

  • mesg2anil's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Irina,

    I did following changes in the script... This time I'm getting "Type mismatch: 'LastModifiedFile'" error at line: ExlValue = LastModifiedFile

    Function checkexcelcells()


    Dim ExlValue

    ExlValue = LastModifiedFile        'Type mismatch: 'LastModifiedFile'" error at line, I tried giving () at end of LastModifiedFile(), still dint work :(


    'Open Excel Connection

    Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

    ' Call Excel.Workbooks.OpenXML("E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\"&ExlValue)

    Set OpenExcel = Excel.Workbooks.OpenXML("E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\" &ExlValue)

    Call OpenExcel            'Instead of Calling the excel directly (commented line above), used Set OpenExcel and calling OpenExcel

    Delay 500

    End Function


    Sub LastModifiedFile()    'Added '( )' here

    Dim FolderName, FolderInfo, Num, i, FileDate, NewestTime, LatestFileIndex

    FolderName = "E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\"

    Set FolderInfo = aqFileSystem.GetFolderInfo(FolderName)

    Num = FolderInfo.Files.Count


    Log.Message "The folder contains " &Num &" files."

    NewestTime = aqDateTime.SetDateTimeElements(1000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

    LatestFileIndex = 0


    For i = 0 to Num-1


    FileDate = FolderInfo.Files.Item(i).DateLastModified


    if(aqDateTime.Compare(NewestTime, FileDate) < 0) then


    NewestTime = FileDate

    LatestFileIndex = i

    end if




    sPath = FolderInfo.Files.Item(LatestFileIndex).Path

    fName = FolderInfo.Files.Item(LatestFileIndex).Name

    Log.Message NewestTime &": " & sPath

    Log.Message NewestTime &": " & fName


    LastModifiedFile = fName

    End Sub

  • irina_lukina's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Try running the code below:

    Function checkexcelcells()

      Dim ExlValue 

      ExlValue = LastModifiedFile    

     ' Open Excel Connection

      Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")

      Call Excel.Workbooks.Open("E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\" & ExlValue)

      Delay 5000

    End Function


    Function LastModifiedFile

      Dim FolderName, FolderInfo, Num, i, FileDate, NewestTime, LatestFileIndex

      FolderName = "E:\Anil-Backup\Test Complete\Projects_Old\In4Suite Project\Exported Reports\"

      Set FolderInfo = aqFileSystem.GetFolderInfo(FolderName)

      Num = FolderInfo.Files.Count

      Log.Message "The folder contains " &Num &" files."

      NewestTime = aqDateTime.SetDateTimeElements(1000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

      LatestFileIndex = 0

      For i = 0 to Num-1


        FileDate = FolderInfo.Files.Item(i).DateLastModified

        if(aqDateTime.Compare(NewestTime, FileDate) < 0) then 

          NewestTime = FileDate 

          LatestFileIndex = i 

        end if 


      sPath = FolderInfo.Files.Item(LatestFileIndex).Path

      fName = FolderInfo.Files.Item(LatestFileIndex).Name

      Log.Message NewestTime &": " & sPath

      Log.Message NewestTime &": " & fName

      LastModifiedFile = fName

    End Function

    Does it work now?