Forum Discussion

Anupa's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

Passing Commands in Command prompt using VB Script


I am using TestComplete version 5.15.561.7. Language used is VB Script.

I am automating one test case where in it opens the Command prompt --> changes the directroy to where office 2007 is installed --> and then opening one saved Excel workbook

For example: Call Command_Prompt_Window.Keys("c:[Enter]cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12[Enter]\Excel.Exe ""D:\BookMark.xlsx""[Enter]")

where Command_Prompt_Window = NameMapping.Sys.Process("cmd").Window("ConsoleWindowClass", "*")

While playbacking the script, the data passed as ("c:[Enter]cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12[Enter]\Excel.Exe ""D:\BookMark.xlsx""[Enter]" is not taken properly.

For example Colon(:) gets typed as ">" and quotes get typed as "@"in the Command Prompt editor

Can any one please tell me how do I automate the script using VB script so that the Colon and the quotes are entered properly in Command Prompt when the script is play back?



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