Forum Discussion

g_kucharski's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

On Error Call


I am using VBS to script my scenarios. TC works on remote machine and reports me in realtime with emails cases when results are different from expected. I run about 300 cases daily and want to concentrate on important cases only.

I have problems with cases when TC fails to get throgh the whole scenario - test fails with an error (overlapping windows, no object found or tested application fails with a fatal error). Of course there is info is the tests' log, but I created mail reports to avoid reading throgh 300 cases logs. Which cannot be reached while tests are going on anyway (12 hours or so, 5 am - 5pm).

Is there a way in TestComplete to force calling an 'error procedure' when there is error logged instead stopping / continuing the test?



  • g_kucharski's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    VBS does not suport ErrorHandlers, and only options available are on Error ResumeNext and On Error Goto 0. However there is a solution - EventHandlers which I ignored so far:

    I added EventHandler 'OnLogError':

    'USEUNIT CommonScripts

    'CommonScripts unit contains Subs and Functions used by other units, including MailErr and KillThemAll Sub


    GameOver_OnLogError(Sender, LogParams)


    'Take a screen shot of the active window.

    Set Wshshell=CreateObject("Word.Basic")


    'Send Keys seems to fail without a Proper Delay




    'Create PictureObject from Clipboard

    Set PicObj = Sys.Clipboard

    Call PicObj.SaveToFile("C:\ErrorPics\LastError.png")


    'Send Email about error with prontscreen attached

    Call MailErr(LogParams.AdditionalText, "GAME OVER - " & LogParams.MessageText)


    'Kill all trash processes that might remain after error was logged

    Call KillThemAll





    End Sub