Forum Discussion

ScottVaughn1962's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Objects not recognized on screen

I have a keyword test which launches an application, logs a user in, then closes the application over and over again using an Excel spreadsheet as a data driven test.  We recently upgraded the application I'm logging into and now my script doesn't recognize the login object nor any of the other objects on the login screen (the X to close it, a system dropdown, the user id field, the password field and two buttons, a Login and Cancel.  When I execute the Map New Object functionality it only recognizes the whole login screen as the object.  I've tried to pictorially document this in the attached Word document.  I'm using the version 12.50.4142.7 x64 of TestComplete.

8 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    It looks like the application is kind of embedding another application... Like some sort of frame or something.  I'm nor sure that TC is going to be able to recognize those components.   Anyone else have ideas?

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    We recently upgraded the application I'm logging into

    What got changed in the upgrade?


    You can try recording a keyword test with the same steps as your test and see if TC can read it that way.  


    Also make sure that you don't have this section mapped twice.  

    • ScottVaughn1962's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Regarding what got changed in the upgrade? - I'm not a developer, I'm a QA person.  But as far as I can tell, this was a major upgrade.  We went from V15 to V18 and I'm guessing nearly everything changed.


      Regarding re-recording the test - I've done that.  That's how I know it is only recognizing this as one object.  I cannot select the other objects as I'm recording.


      Regarding mapping twice - I have validated this as well.  It is only mapped once and still it is not recognizing the other objects.


      I think I'm going to have to put in a ticket with SmartBear and see if I can get on the phone with someone who can see it in action and help me.

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        ScottVaughn1962 wrote:

        Regarding what got changed in the upgrade? - I'm not a developer, I'm a QA person.  But as far as I can tell, this was a major upgrade.  We went from V15 to V18 and I'm guessing nearly everything changed.


        So am I... QA, testers, software validator, test engineer, etc... I don't develop the applications that I test.... howevre, as a software tester, it's my job to know what changed... it's how I know what areas to test for regression, it's how I know what to do in the way of testing new functionality, it's how I know what test cases to write and execute... 

        So, I think it would be a good idea for you to go have a chat with the developers.  When you open that ticket to SmartBear, they are going to want to know the same thing... what was in version 15 that was changed so radically in version 18.  Did components change?  Did the platform that was used for developing the software change? Did the architecture change?  If so, on any of these, how?  TestComplete supports certain versions of components, platforms, etc, and different architectures require different ways of preparing the application to be able to recognize controls.  Once we know the details of the changes, we can make suggestions as to how to, potentially, get around those problems.