Forum Discussion

sergi's avatar
11 years ago

Object not recognised anymore after change of content


I am testing an app with a TabControl. Its children are the available tabs and the current tab info is always placed in the same child view.

This child view containing all the info is mapped using the namemapping.

The problem I'm facing is that the object is not recognised anymore within the scripts if the content is changed (the selected tab is changed).

If I use the ObjectBrowser, I can see that it is still recognised with the mapping, so it seems like a refresh issue I need to address within the scripts.

If I manually select the former tab, the scripts do recognise the object again.

Does anyone have a clue of how can I solve this?


1 Reply

  • I have finally figured it out. Turns out the Object Browser wasn't refreshing properly and the object couldn't be actually found using the same mapped object.

    Please close or delete this topic.
