Not able to get specific object name in a cell to click on
Hello! So I am pretty new to test complete and trying to setup a smoke test for our new web platform. I am trying to target the "Fuel_Automation_Test" object in the cell list. Test complete only sees this as cell35 which is fine for the time being but next time it will not be cell35 which will cause the test to fail later on.
Is it possible for it to click on the specific name instead? could not find anything in the usual dropdown list to select other elements. Thanks in advance!
For example, using, I create an alias name for the main table as Aliases.tableCompany,
I can then access any of the cells via row and col values e.g. Aliases.tableCompany.Cell(4, 3), Aliases.tableCompany.Cell(1, 1) etc.
If each cells have a unique name defined (which I doubt very much), then you can search the cell you require.