NameMapping issue with Java application started from Internet explorer.
My organization will decommision Internet Explorer at the end of this year.
Our TestComplete scripts are configured to test a Java application started from Internet explorer (= current situation).
So the new situation, the Java application will be started using JavaWebStart.
Currently we start/run our test object (which is a Java client GUI) from Internet Explorer and all the NameMapping objects are recorded under /Sys/Browser/BufferFrame/..
When we use Java Web Start to start/run the Java client GUI, then all the NameMapping objects are recorded under /Sys/jp2Launcher/Frame/..
So when we open the Java client GUI with Java Web Start, all our tests previously recorded are now useless.
SmartBear support don't knows how to solve this and recommends to record all our tests again.
Does someone in this community has an idea how we can solve this?