Forum Discussion
Basically, none of the files that compose TestComplete project should be (auto) merged except script unit ones. And even those must be merged with care.
We were facing the same problem. As a result we did not use the name mapping. We use the 'find method' instead what makes the mapping much easier and even more maintainable. We have different scripts where we maintain the paths to the objects.
- Marsha_R6 years agoModerator
So, now, every time an object changes, you have to hope that someone tells you before your test breaks and you spend an afternoon trying to figure out why? And then you have to update your scripts? That may be a familiar way to do it, but it's still more efficient with the TC name mapping. Better to have to spend a little time managing one file when you know it's changed than have to troubleshoot random changes to objects.
- maxtester6 years agoContributor
Thats the point, the maintanace (in my case) is much lower than using NameMapping. We had more than 1000 mapped object in our NameMapping. Becasue the tested application was still in development we spent some days to find our objects again (structures changed, controls renamed and so on).
Now with the 'find' (we implmeneted some logic to be able to use this function for our purpose) its's much easier. Why- We can dynamicaly search for objects based on only a few 'base objects'(and their informations) and for example passolo- files which are provided by the developers (we do not need to change any properties).
If a structure chages I have only few points where i have to adjust to make it working again
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