Forum Discussion

riordanalex's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Name Mapping broken for page objects?

Tested on:

TestComplete 9.31.3889.7

Windows 7

Chrome 31.0.1650.63, Firefox 25.0.1, Internet Explorer 11 (11.0.9600.16476)

Steps to reproduce:

(1)  Navigate to: */Software-Testing-Services

(2) Map the page using the following mapping criteria:

-ObjectType: Page

-URL: see the attached screenshots

(3) Use the Object Spy to investigate the current page.

(4) Navigate to */About-QualiTest

(5) Use the Object Spy to investigate this new page.


The Object Spy lists the current page with a MappedName identical to the page mapped in Step (2)! 

(6) Now go to the Object Browser.

(7) Click "Refresh All"

(8) Investigate the page object in the Object Browser.


The MappedName property is still wrong, even though the URL property points to the correct page url.

(9) Either close TestComplete or exit all browsers.

(10) Open a new browser window, navigate to */About-QualiTest

(11) Investigate this page with Object Spy


The MappedName property is blank, as it should be, since this page has not been mapped yet.

As you can see this means that in order for me to map new pages, I need to exit either TestComplete or all my browsers each time. Is this a known issue, or is it really the expected behavior?

  • Hi,


    It looks like I see the same behavior on my computer (Chrome 31 and TestComplete 9.31). Maybe this is caused by the fact that there is no official support for the newest browser versions yet.

    Anyway, I suggest that you report this issue to our TestComplete Support team so that they could investigate it with the R&D team.