name mapping - similar objects
Hi,im facing problem in mapping similar object.
i have two Questions
1.There are 2 screens /window which has similar name like OpenWindowA and OpenWindowB with id field which takes the input id,Yes,Cancel button and one checkbox if its enabled it will open another screens if "id" value is present" else no.
here OpenA and OpenB IS CONSIDER AS DIFFERENT screen,initially OpenA was added so i had tried adding OpenB object with capturing OpenWindowB,but by default it is giving OpenWindowA name to OpenWindowB object. i had tried to rename which was not successful.
just to execute scripts if i update image of OpenWindowA with OpenWindowB then scripts related to OpenWindowBt will work and OpenWindowA related scripts will fail vice-versa
2.There are two drop down DropdownA and DropdownB with different set of also oneobject Dropdown is mapped to DropdownA if i try to add new object with new object name for DropdownB which IS NOT allowing to add or rename and showing same name as DropdownA object while captured or while adding new object as DropdownA,
im not able to add new and unique object in both cases for DropdownB and OpenWindowB.
please suggest me in resolving this..
Thanks in advance.
What it sounds like is that the criteria properties you are using for mapping the objects are not unique enough. If the properties used are too generic or wild-carded too much or if you have some improperly configured "Extended Find" going on, this will most likely happen.
Please post the following so we can help you better.
1) Screenshot showing the NameMapping property selections and values for the OpenWIndowA object so we can see what you have mapped already.
2) Screenshot showing the full Advanced properties of OpenWindowA from either Object Spy or Object Browser
3) Screenshot showing the full Advanced properties of OpenWindowB from either Object Spy or Object Browser.