Mobile testing and capturing traffic
- 4 years ago
Hi Thomas,
Yes its clear.
My understanding from the OP was that you were manually doing this by picking up a device using fiddler to provide you with the response information, then comparing it manually to your baseline/reference.
Essentially you are manually ensuring the response information and validating it against that baseline
If the end goal is to test the service request would it not make sense to focus on this and test the api service using a dedicated tool like Soap UI/Ready API.
The key element here is that were reducing the manual process you are currently using, In RAPI we can parametrize API tests, Data Drive API tests and validate responses. We can also build up tests quite easily and look at automation in our API tests
You can still test the UI component of your APP in TC and automate functional UI tests in TC.
And then if you want you could run those API tests in a tool like TC were it makes sense in your TC flow.