Forum Discussion

Nikhil1's avatar
Frequent Visitor
2 years ago

Migrating Distributed Tests to Azure DevOps as part of replacement of Network Suite functionality

Hi Team,

We have followed the process for Migrating Distributed Tests to Azure DevOps as part of replacement of Network Suite functionality which was shared by Smart bear team.

The link is: Migrating Distributed Tests to Azure DevOps | TestComplete Documentation (

From above doc we have successfully created Agents & Jobs, but we are struck at Synchronization step. Which is to access one System from another and vice versa.

We have raised a support ticket since November-2022, which is still in pending status.


Here is what I want to be able to do:

1. Accessing the (System1) from (System 2) and vice versa.

2. Need to run script from System2 and test steps should be performed on System 1.


Anyone can suggest the best procedure for this process. Thanks in Advance...!!




  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    What part of the Synchronization step leaves you stuck? Did you try any of the below approaches Smarbear recommends from the link?


    Azure DevOps: to implement interactions between TestComplete tests, you can use the following:

    • Use various parallel strategies to organize the pipeline run. You can command the pipeline to run several instances of a job simultaneously or you can run several instances of a job with various inputs.

    • Use secure files to store resources that the pipeline can access during the build run. To learn more about secure files, please see About pipeline resources in the Azure DevOps docs.

    • Use dependencies and conditions to organize the stage run order in your pipeline.

    • Use pipeline variables to store, send, and get data from TestComplete tests during the pipeline run.