12 years agoOccasional Contributor
[Microsoft][ODBC Excel Driver] Ststem Resource Exceeded
I use the below peace of code to connect to .xls files to access the test data.
It works fine with Windows 7, with XP it was working fine for some time, but now Whenever i execute I get the Error dialog as seen in the attachment. I also closed all the connections whenever I opened them.So it is not due to multiple simultaneous connections.
adoConn = new connector();
var ConnStr = "DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);DBQ=";
adoConn.Connection = Sys.OleObject("ADODB.Connection");
adoConn.Connection.ConnectionString = ConnStr + filePath + "\\" + fileName + ";ReadOnly=1;";
It works fine with Windows 7, with XP it was working fine for some time, but now Whenever i execute I get the Error dialog as seen in the attachment. I also closed all the connections whenever I opened them.So it is not due to multiple simultaneous connections.
adoConn = new connector();
var ConnStr = "DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);DBQ=";
adoConn.Connection = Sys.OleObject("ADODB.Connection");
adoConn.Connection.ConnectionString = ConnStr + filePath + "\\" + fileName + ";ReadOnly=1;";