Forum Discussion

motorola's avatar
13 years ago

MappedName empty in Object spy tool

I tried to grab an org.eclipse.swt.widgets.tree object from app screen. The object is captured successfully, but the mappedname is empty. What's wrong? Thank you very much.
  • Hi,

    MappedName is not empty only if the object is mapped in Name Mapping and recognized. If your object is mapped, but MappedName is still empty, check your NM scheme and compare property values added there as recognition parameters with actual values displayed in the Object Browser. They must be the same. Also, values of recognition parameters must be unique (no other objects on the same hierarchy levels should have the same values of these properties).
  • After some googling, I found out about exetended find. Is it possible that this is the cause? Could you please explain a bit about this? Thank you very much.
  • As I said before, the object I'm trying to map is a tree. And yes, the structure of the tree changes dynamically depending on user's behaviour. Could this be the cause? Thank you very much.
  • Hi,

    Extended Find allows you to ignore intermediate objects between a top-level object and the one you need. For example, if you have something like 'Sys.Process("app").<A container>.<Another container>.<Target object>', and you need to work with <Target object>, you can enable Extended Find for it. You may need this if the containers are not involved in your test (you don't perform any actions with them), or if those containers cause inconvenience - for example, because they are dynamic, and you cannot find a way to map them reliably, or if the target object can be a child of different objects depending on your application's state.

    As for the tree (I mean your tree control) item structure, it shouldn't affect anything unless you map your control by its item list.

    Again, if your control is mapped in Name Mapping, check the property values by which it is mapped. If not, map it to get a non-empty MappedName value.

  • check the property values by
    which it is mapped? how do I do this? FYI, the tree is mapped. Thank you very much.

  • Find your object in name mapping editor. Look at its identification attributes and their values. Find in in the Object Browser. Look at the properties added to name mapping. Compare them. Correct name mapping if their stored and actual values differ. If they don't differ, do the same for your object's parent and so on until you find the object which is mapped by wrong values.