5 years agoOccasional Contributor
Log Folder Icon Checkpoint Over Message? (Javascript)
Is there a way to set the Log Folder Icon? I also see the folder isn't catching the priority that is being set.
If the folder contains Log. Error, Log.Warning, Log.Message, and Log.Checkpoint the folder gets the Error icon.
If the folder contains Log.Warning, Log.Message, and Log.Checkpoint the folder gets the Warning icon.
If the folder contains Log.Message, and Log.Checkpoint the folder gets the Message icon I want it to get the Checkpoint Icon.
function TestScriptLog()
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Error");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal);
Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmNormal);
Log.Warning("Warning in Folder","",pmNormal);
Log.Error("Error in Folder","",pmHighest);
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Error");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder");
Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder");
Log.Warning("Warning in Folder");
Log.Error("Error in Folder");
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Warning");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal);
Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmNormal);
Log.Warning("Warning in Folder","",pmHighest);
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Warning");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder");
Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder");
Log.Warning("Warning in Folder");
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Checkpoint");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmNormal);
Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder","",pmHighest);
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be a Checkpoint");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder");
Log.Checkpoint("Checkpoint in Folder");
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Informational");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder","",pmHighest);
Log.AppendFolder("This folder Icon should be an Informational");
Log.Message("Informational in Folder");