Forum Discussion

blbdt36's avatar
10 years ago

Log files not exporting

Hi all,


I am trying to write a script with the log file being exported at the end of testing.  It isn't exporting the file and there are no errors.  I used exactly what is posted in for Jscript and nothing.  I added it to the test items list as the last one and still nothing.


Any ideas as to what is happening?



  • My developer figured it out in 5 minutes when I showed him the code and the page I was looking at :manfrustrated:.  The file path needed \\ instead of \


    Once I did that, the file exported as expected.  Now, to find out how to name it dynamically!


    Thanks for trying to help Marsha_R.  I appreciate it.

10 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Try using that export code in a small script and see if you get the log if you just run that script.