Forum Discussion
Hello Marsha and Alex, thank you for the replies and suggestions, I will check into these. And yes, they would need to be different each time I run the test as the app does indeed behave differently for duplicate addresses. So what I'll need is to be able to generate an address, that has not been used by my script, for a given state and city upon request. Each time the tests are executed. Has to be valid address, but different each time I run and I need to be able to either generate a list that I can farm the data from or create/poll on the fly, and use for a test, then the next time I run, again would need another valid address for that State and City. I'll need to specify State and City (as the test will only deal with a few certain states and cities), and will need to pull : State, City, Street, and Zip.
Thanks again.
Ron F.
In this circumstance, I might create a list and then have a routine at the top of the test that just changes the house numbers by 1, so 10000 Main Street changes to 10001 Main Street, etc. That would be enough to make the addresses unique. Would it work to validate against this list as "real" or do you need actual exists-for-the-post-office real addresses?