Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
5 years ago

Leaderboard and Guide to Weekly TestComplete TechCorner Challenge

Hi everyone!


I am inviting you to participate in weekly TechCorner Challenge. Participating in the challenge will help you learn the product, get more product use cases, collaborate with peers implementing the same task, share your knowledge and, of course, get the respect of fellow community members.


Resolve weekly tasks, post them to the SmartBear community, and be rewarded by getting into the TechCorner Challenge Leaderboard!


Ready to participate? Please find the topics with the TechCornerChallenge tag and post your solution today!


Techcorner challenge Leaderbord

Please meet our current TechCorner Challenge stars! Want to be on the leaderboard? Start participating now!

Kudos to our top participants (updated September 23, 2020) 🏆🙂


Rank Participant  Points Earned
1 SiwarSayahi  3
1 TanyaYatskovska  3
2 anupamchampati  3
2 mkambham  2
2 Wamboo  2
2 elanto  2
2 prekar  2
3 BenoitB  1
3 tristaanogre  1
3   1
3 Wrongtown  1


Each challenge has a difficulty level, so the amount of points awarded for completing challenges can be different (1 - 3 points = easy - advanced). You can complete one advanced challenge and earn 3 points or 3 easy challenges - it's up to you! Participate in challenges and be at the top of the Leaderboard! 


Win TechCorner Badges

Win unique TechCorner badges designed to celebrate your great achievements!
The more TechCorner Challenge tasks you solve, the more badges you get.


Take a look at some of these awesome rewards:



How To Participate

A weekly challenge contains a product-related task that you need to solve. Depending on the task's difficulty level, we provide a detailed description of how you can resolve the task. Read the instructions carefully, implement the task and post your solution.


Actions you need to take to participate:

  1. Have a solution? Click Reply under the task in question. There are no time frames - you can post a solution whenever you find it. However, the faster you post, the better your chances of showing up on the TechCorner Challenge Leaderboard are!
  2. Write your answer and click Post for it to be added as a comment.
  3. Wait for your reply to be checked and verified as a Solution for this task.
  4. Give yourself a pat on the shoulder - you did great! And, you can find your name on the TechCorner Challenge Leaderboard!


Note: Even if a task already has a solution, but you know another approach to solve it - post your reply, too. One task can have more than one solution.


You can find a link to the weekly challenge either on the side banner of the TestCompelete Community or among pinned posts on the TestComplete Community > General Discussions board:


Check out challenges under the TechCornerChallenge tag.


Such challenges are adding great value to the SmartBear Community, and you learn something new in the process!

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