Forum Discussion

egiacomi's avatar
6 years ago

Lauch Group of Keyword Tests from CMD


I want to launch a group of keyword Test like this : 



I want to run all the test in a single call , without a cycle that iterates all the tests contained in a group .


Do you know any solution to solve this problem?


Best Regards



10 Replies

  • Are you trying to launch every test at the same time?  What is it you are trying to accomplish with this?  We need more details to be able to give you a good answer without guessing.

    • egiacomi's avatar

      I want to execute all the tests contained in a folder , to do this i want to use only one cmd call :

      example :  C.\TestComplete.exe ...... FolderName 


      I Don't want to use a solution like this :

      Foreach(test in folder)


             C:\TestComplete.exe .... KeywordTest|FolderName |test1




      It is possible?



      • Marsha_R's avatar

        Do you want all the tests to start at the same time or are you just avoiding a loop for some reason?  Tell us what the point is of doing it with one folder?