Hello, thank you for your replies!
Here is the function i use to create the baseline string (The one i compare with the string displayed in the application).
This function works pretty well, no problems with it, except for the fact that the returned string is always in English, because that are my regional settings.
def ParseIdStr( idStr ):
sInput = idStr[:-2]
numbers = sInput.split("/")
myDate = aqDateTime.SetDateElements(numbers[2],numbers[1],numbers[0])
sDayOfWeek = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(myDate, "%A ")
sDayOfWeek = sDayOfWeek.capitalize()
sReste = aqConvert.DateTimeToFormatStr(myDate, "%#d %B %Y")
return sDayOfWeek + sReste
So i tried to follow the Robert Martin's suggestion above to use the SetLocaleInfo method of the aqEnvironment object.
Since it did not work, i did not kept the code, and i disabled the validation when the app is in French.
But it was something like that:
aqEnvironment.SetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SNAME, "fr-CA")
I tried also other combinations of parameters, but unfortunately i did not kept them, because no combination worked.
The SetLocaleInfo method always returned False, and tried to call Win32API.GetLastError() to try to determine why, i always got 0, i.e. no error...
(And after calling SetLocaleInfo, the string was always generated in English ).
So for now i deactivated the validation of that string when the app is in French, perhaps later i will try to develop a function to translate the date myself, should not be too complicated.