jp2launcher.exe process crashed
On win8.1 if TC starts the tested java application, we receive in test log this error message "jp2launcher.exe process crashed" occationally, but on desktop everything works normally, tests are finished without any blocking issues.
I tried to add sys.refresh() and refreshmapping actions before application start event, but it still happens from time to time.
64bit system
duo core 2.13ghz
available physical memory 4G
available virtual memory 4G
java heap size 512mb
Hi Lee,
Any chance to upgrade to either TC10.6 or TC11 (or rollback Java to some previous version for the verification purposes) ?
I remember that I had similair problems with one of TC 10.x versions and Java, but I don't remember exact version numbers.
TC10.6 worked fine for me with Java that was actual 3-4 months ago.