[Java AUT / JavaScript test] .Exists waits when window exists but is not visible
Given the following code
Here I am working with two windows - "nht" and "ac"
nht exists and is visible
ac exists and is NOT visible (It's completely hidden, not just behind another window)
The problem is that line 146 (Check if ac exists) waits for the default timeout, even though it already exists!!
To me, at least line 146 seems to be a bug.
If the window does not exist and I execute the following code
Then it does not wait
So it's inconsistent.
obj.Exists will NOT wait if the object does not exist
obj.Exists will NOT wait if the object exists and is visible
obj.Exists WILL wait if the object exists but is not visible
I'm not asking if it's invisible, I'm asking if it exists. Why should it alter it's behaviour based on a property I am not asking about?
Whatever, what I want is to be able to perform both checks without waiting.
I do not want to alter the default timeout, I want to be able to make just these specific checks without waiting.