Forum Discussion

esramirez's avatar
12 years ago

Is TestComplete ready for Windows 8.1 Metro Apps?

Is there a time frame for when Testcomplete will be supporting Windows 8.1 Metro Apps?  And follow up question will be if will it support ui automation on Android apps and/or MAC os?

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Android support will work with actual devices (wired via USB) and Android virtual machines. No emu-/simulators at this point (but we will look at that in the future).

    If you want to get on the Beta list, please email me directly 

    sergei dot sokolov at smartbear dot com

    Beta includes Android and Modern UI (referring to the beginning of the thread)


  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Enrique,


    Metro apps aren't currently officially supported.

    As for Android and iOS apps, our R&D team is working on this. However, I cannot give you more precise time estimates at the moment.


  • Thank you for your response.

    that is too bad you are unable to provide a timeline. I am currently using TestComplete and love it and would hate to replace it by another tool that supports at least android apps.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    Hi Enrique

    Both Android support and Modern UI support on Windows 8.1 will be released by end of the year.

    We are not considering MACOS yet (but certainly have thought about it) but the same release will include Beta for iOS testing, from Windows.

    Beta for Android and Modern UI will be available mid-Novmeber.

    If you have more questions, please feel free to email me directly:

    sergei dot sokolov at smartbear dot com
  • Ha Sargei,

    It is good to know testcomplete will be have the support for windows metro. I look forward to the beta when this comes out.

  • jose_pita's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Sergei, just a quick question, the android support, how will it work?

    Running on an emulator inside testcomplete or we'll be able to access applications running inside eclipse emulator?
  • hlalumiere's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    By the very slow rate of adoption of Windows 8, I doubt very much end of the year would be too late. Metro will attract some hipsters, sure, but the vast majority of developers will not want to have to rewrite their entire app against a new framework AND be forced to use the MS AppStore as the sole means of distribution.

    Microsoft should have left "being Apple" to Apple.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Laxman,


    TestComplete 10 that we have recently released supports testing of Windows Store Applications. Refer to this article for more information.


    To try how it works, I suggest that you request a TestComplete trial here.