Forum Discussion

electroisok's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Integrate TestComplete with Zephyr in Jira

I need to integrate that when a test finish in TestCOmplete, it put the final result in the TestCase in Zephyr. What I need to to for this?

  • Hi Ivette, we are also using Zephyr with JIRA for all our Test Case and execution management.


    To facilitate the automation of entering test results etc, I am currently developing some Script Extensions that use the ZAPI REST APIs that will allow us to:


    1. Create Tests for automated Test from Test Complete without having to use the Zephyr GUI

    2. Automatically create Test Cycles, Test Executions and enter Test Results for an automated test run


    As far as I am aware, Test Complete does not offer any "out of the box" solution for Zephry integration.



    Phil Baird

7 Replies

  • Philip_Baird's avatar
    Community Expert

    Hi Ivette, we are also using Zephyr with JIRA for all our Test Case and execution management.


    To facilitate the automation of entering test results etc, I am currently developing some Script Extensions that use the ZAPI REST APIs that will allow us to:


    1. Create Tests for automated Test from Test Complete without having to use the Zephyr GUI

    2. Automatically create Test Cycles, Test Executions and enter Test Results for an automated test run


    As far as I am aware, Test Complete does not offer any "out of the box" solution for Zephry integration.



    Phil Baird

    • JPP's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi Philip,


      We are experiencing the same needs (insert into Zephyr -or any other JIRA Test Management plugin- both test cases and run results from TestComplete).


      Did you suceed in own integration? 


      Thanks in advance for any feedback,


      • mwalia's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Hi Philip_Baird ,


        I am trying to execute the test cases created in Zephyr as per Pass/Failed script logs in TestComplete 12. I am using Python as my scripting language.


        Q1. Can we do it directly from Test Complete or do we need to use Ready API to use ZAPI.

        Q2. Please share the steps or documentation to do the same via Script and not Keyword test.


        Monny Walia