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OnkarG's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Infra setup for Testcomplete and ReadyAPI



Just wanted to understand Licencing model for Testcomplete. for Below Scenario.



1) Team of 20 People wanted to use Test complete  for Test creation and execution through Jenkin.

we have below  queries 


Can we setup Agents (VMs) for execution ? if yes can you explain the infra set up.


Can we execute multiple test parallel on single agent? if not the can we assign multiple agents in Jenkin to run the same.


Can we use Docker image of test complete ..just to avoid multiple Agents ( VM ) for execution?








  • mikef's avatar
    3 years ago
    Thanks Alex, you are correct as always! 😁 I would add that TestExecute is now also part of the TestComplete Pro bundle; so, if you are interested in TestComplete please reach out to our sales team who can advise if this is the most suitable option for you. I will reiterate however that containerisation is not currently supported by either TestComplete or TestExecute.
  • Hi,


    See attached diagram for example.

    For test creation and maintenance, we use TestComplete. TestComplete uses either node-locked or floating licences to work within your team needs.

    We can integrate TestComplete to source control in order to run on agents machines using the lightweight runner, TestExecute. TestExecute uses a floating licence by default, so licences can be shared in a pool for many VM instances.


    1. Can we execute multiple test parallel on single agent? if not the can we assign multiple agents in Jenkin to run the same. You can not execute multiple UI tests on a single agent, however yes Jenkins is able to load balance the running of tests, which you can then organise either by Project or in a Project Execution Plan.
    2. Can we use Docker image of test complete - No, TestComplete is not currently compatible with Docker due to limitations in running Windows-based UI tests in containers.



    If you would like to know more, reach out to our Sales team to organise a technical demo or Q&A session with an engineer.


    Hope this helps,


    Sales Engineer, TestComplete