Forum Discussion

Artyom's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Indication of load test execution

1.Does Testcomplete support this feature?

When I launch load test I simply don't know the progress of this test - how long should I wait until it ends.

The only indication is accessible - icon in the upper right corner of the screen "Playback <name of test>"

I know that it can be programmed for in indication bar with functional testing. Are there any possibilities for load test?

2. I've noticed strange situation:

Overall time for load test execution for 1 virtual user is more than 10 minutes but in connections statistics Times  are no more than 1-2 secs. And overall connections quantity is 11. How that can be possible?

Thank you

6 Replies

  • Hi Artyom,

    When I launch load test I simply don't know the progress of this test - how long should I wait until it ends.

    The feature will be available in TestComplete 8.

    Overall time for load test execution for 1 virtual user is more than 10 minutes but in connections statistics Times  are no more than 1-2 secs. And overall connections quantity is 11. How that can be possible?

    To help us investigate this, please zip your entire project suite folder along with the log of the failed test execution and send us the archive via our Contact Support form ( Make sure that messages in your log correspond to the latest version of your tests.

  • joffre's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Is it possible to implement a progress bar to see how long will the test will take?

    For example. My test has 5 Functions. In each function I'll put one Count that will increment by 20. So, when the first function ends, it will show me that 20% has been completed. The second funcion ends, 40% completed... until the end.

    Is it possible?
  • Hi Joffre,

    Currently, there is no way to get scripting access to the progress bar displayed in the TС Indicator and show custom progress. I've added your request to our DB as a suggestion. Thank you for your post.
  • joffre's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Joffre,

    Currently, there is no way to get scripting access to the progress bar displayed in the TС Indicator and show custom progress. I've added your request to our DB as a suggestion. Thank you for your post.

    Thanks for your replay.
  • joffre's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    How about using a function added by one dll.. is it possible to show a progress bar on TestComplete? (don't know if dll functions are able to do that)

    Or there is no way to make it work?

  • Hi Joffre,

    I'm not sure I understand your latest suggestion. Could you please clarify it?