Why not just create a project variable?
If Not Project.Variables.VariableExists("Increment") then Project.Variables.AddVariable "Increment", "Integer"
If Not Project.Variables.VariableExists("Client") then Project.Variables.AddVariable "Client", "String"
i = Project.Variables.Increment
i = i + 1
Project.Variables.Increment = i
Project.Variables.Client = "Client" & aqConvert.IntToStr(Project.Variables.Increment)
Something along those lines
(Apologies for sloppy code but you get the idea)
On a side note, this is what I do for my new accounts, and keep them random:
Sub unamegen(id, pass)
a = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", Now())
If id <> "" Then
Project.Variables.sdUserName = id & "_" & a & "@xxxxthisisafakeemailxxxx.com"
Project.Variables.sdUserName = "epoch_" & a & "@xxxxthisisafakeemailxxxx.com"
End If
If pass <> "" Then
Project.Variables.sdPassword = pass
Project.Variables.sdPassword = "password"
End If
Log.Message "==="
Log.Message "Username for this test iteration is " & Project.Variables.sdUserName
Log.Message "==="
End Sub
It has the added bonus of being a timestamp of your user account too.