Forum Discussion

mafuko's avatar
Occasional Contributor
16 years ago

Incomplete keyboard input


I have problems with writing a string to the form which is coded in VB6. When i want to write "Žilina" it send a warning:

Incomplete keyboard input > Some characters cannot be interpreted as keystrokes in the string 'Žilina'. See the description of the Keys function in the help system.

The string which is finaly in the form is "ilina"

The letter "Ž" is in Slovak language. The code of  my program is here :

   Set Proces=GetProcess("intro")

   Set Okno=Form("P_JazdyX")

   Call TypeTo(Okno,"Usi.Frame2.txtZaciatok","Žilina")

In Windows Vista - Slovak language I havent problem with this, and it works great. But problem is with Windows XP English. Small letter "ž" it write without problems too.

Can you help me please ?
  • Do you use, ".keys" method in you "TypeTo" Call or do you set the "text" property of the field to the desired text? If you have been using ".keys" method (which is likely the case) try the later approach.


  • Hello Matus,

    I can't reproduce the problem with Notepad on a Vista PC (English) - TestComplete correctly enters this text into Notepad's edit field.

    Can you reproduce the problem with Notepad on your PC?

    As a workaround, try assigning the text directly by using the wText property of the edit box you are working with:

    txtZaciatok.wText = "Žilina"

    Does this work for you?

  • mafuko's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    when I try it in notepad it dosent work too. I used this metod:

      Set w1 = Sys.Process("notepad").Window("Notepad", "*").Window("Edit")

      Call w1.Keys("Žilina")

    If I use txtZaciatok.wText="Žilina", it works but I want to simulate work user, so I want use this method: (write letter by letter)

      Set Okno=Form("P_JazdyX")

      Call TypeTo(Okno,"Usi.Frame2.txtZaciatok","Žilina")

    when TypeTo is:

      Sub TypeTo(Parent, Objekt, Text)

        Set O=Object(Parent, Objekt)


      end sub

    I have problem with this only on Windows XP.
  • Hello Matus,

    I have reproduced the problem on a Windows XP computer. I will look into it and get back to you.

  • Hello Matus,

    It appears that installing the Czech input language solves the problem.

    TestComplete can input only those symbols that can be entered from the keyboard using one of the currently installed input languages.

  • mafuko's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Instaling Czech input language to the Windows XP ? or to the Test Complete ?
  • Hello Matus,

    To Windows XP (Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options).

  • mafuko's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thank you,

    when I added Czech language it works, but "Žilina" writed as "žilina". So I tried remove Czech language (Slovak language was always added ) and set in Advanced > Extend support of advanced text services to all programs. And it works perfect.