Code sample to checkpoint a region name stored in a variable: create a variable to hold the region name - for example - regionpanelname (for an existing regions item in the stores)
set tempregion = Regions.Items(regionpanelname)
compareresultsc = tempregion.Check(Regions.CreateRegionInfo(Aliases.anyapp.frmMain.SplitContainer1.SplitterPanel.anyapp2.pnlWord.formxxDocxCompatibilityM.panel.panelStartupDocx.panelMicrosoftWordDocument, 298, 138, 166, 26, False), False, False, 0, 0) 
this will compare the region created by regions.createregioninfo section to the image stored in regions under the name that is in the regionpanelname variable.
compareresultsc will hold the Boolean true/false depending on if the images match.
You can now run this on every machine with the same resolution if you make the regionpanelname variable contain details on resolution or machine name .....