Forum Discussion

roli62's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 days ago

How to wait for TestedApp to Finish and get Exit Code

I have a tested app called "python".

Application path: C:\Python312\python.exe

Command-line parameters: C:\Users\jondoe\Documents\iNext\

The testedApp is called in a python function, which works well:

def runTestAppPython():
  myApp = TestedApps.python
  pyProcess = myApp.Run()

What needs to be done to make the function wait for myProcess to finish.

And how can I access the exit value of the testedApp in this function. 

What I tried was 

  1. pyProcess.Wait() to wait for the testedApp to finish, but does not work.
  2. pyProcess.ExitCode to get the exit value of the testedApp, but does not work, too.

Help is very appreciated.

Thank you.

  • Hi,
    We call PowerShell from our scripts to compare files.  We then get a return value from PS to determine if the files match.  To accomplish this we use WshShell. Perhaps this could be adapted for your needs.  Below is a VBScript code snippet.

    Here is a link to the docs:  WshShell Object | TestComplete Documentation

    Here is the code we use:

    Set oShell = Sys.OleObject("WScript.Shell") 
      '-- Compare the files using Powershell
      s_PowershellInput = "powershell -command Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content '" & RFile & "') -DifferenceObject $(Get-Content '" & TFile & "') | where {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' -and !$_.InputObject.StartsWith('#')} | select -ExpandProperty inputObject"
      Set oExec = oShell.Exec(s_PowershellInput)
      oExec.StdIn.Close ' Close standard input before reading output
      ' Get PowerShell output with the comparison results
      strOutput = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll
      '-- If strOutput is "" then the files matched
      If strOutput = "" Then 
        AtsCompareFilesPS = True
      Else  'Return false and save the output to a text file in the same location as the test file
        AtsCompareFilesPS = False
     End If


    • roli62's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I just called my testedApp "python". 

      The python script it calls works fine from testComplete. The issue is just how to wait for the app to finish and how to get the exit code of "". 

      • rraghvani's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        Once has finished, the exit code is returned back to Python, and not back to TestComplete. Refer to the Python documentation on how to retrieve the exit code.