Forum Discussion

ngalchenko's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

How to use Consts in TestComplete (JScript) ?

I need to declare constants in my JScript code.

1. I tried this code: Consts TestID=50;

Program breaks on this line and I am getting compilation error.

2. I tried const TestID=50;

In this case I am getting syntax error.

Please help










  • Hi Natalya.

    JScript in TC does not support constants.

    You may use either variables or functions which return a value.

3 Replies

  • Hi Natalya.

    JScript in TC does not support constants.

    You may use either variables or functions which return a value.

  • Philip_Baird's avatar
    Community Expert
    Just as a matter of interest, a cludge I put together utilising JScript Closures to provides access to constant, unchangeable values.

    // Module that provides access to Constant, unchangeable, values

    var constant = (function() {


      // The Constant values, as these are in a Closure, they

      // cannot be changed unless a method was to be provided

      var CONST = "I am Constant",

          CONST_TWO = "As am I";  


      return {

        // Returns the value of the Constant specified by the name parameter

        value: function( name ) {

          try {

            // Use our friend eval to get the constant value as we referencing it by

            // a String. We can't just use eval( "return " + name ); as it will throw a

            // "'return' statement outside of function" exception        

            eval( "var val = " + name );

            return val;

          } catch( e ) {

            // Specified Constant does not exist so just return null

            return null;






    // Tests the constant Module

    function testConstant() {

      var s = constant.value( "CONST" );

      Log.Message( s ); // Logs I am Constant

      Log.Message( constant.value( "CONST_TWO" ) ); // Logs As am I

      Log.Message( constant.value( "DOES_NOT_EXIST" ) ); // Logs a null String 


    It may be of interest to someone.


    Phil Baird