Hi again,
I could not figure out how to solve this.
When all the icons are not shown in the taskbar, the Endpoitn Security icon does not appear.
Therefore I found a workaround where I ensure that on the taskbar always show the icons and noticifications to the user (under Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Notification Area Icons in Windwos 7)
Thus when running Distributed testing, I am able to find the needed icon. I updated the the function RightClickTrayIcon in VB script to suit to my test.
Function RightClickTrayIcon(itemName, menuItemName)
Set tray =
Sys.Process("explorer").Window("Shell_TrayWnd", "", 1).Window("TrayNotifyWnd", "", 1).Window("SysPager", "", 1)
' Get the button to click on
Set icon = tray.Window("ToolbarWindow32", "User Promoted Notification Area", 1)
' Right-click the application icon
' Select an item from the context menu
End Function
With regards to the criterion to figure out whether the scanning is finished. A window is displayed by Endpoint Security about the Current status of the Scanning. Therefore, I use the properties of the Progression Bar object displaying "Scanning In Progress(x%)". Once I get the Caption text of the Progression Bar to 100% Completed, the test ends.
This is done with a Checkpoint Properties. This works fine if I wait with a defined delay (like 1h).
However, If I do not want to set a fixed delay, I do not manage to build the step/loop where it checks when this Checkpoint Property has been passed. The Checkpoint Property throws an error I can t manage to catch in Keyword.
So Is there a trick in Keyword to check a property object during a period of time (1h for example) until the condition set up has been verified?
How to do you catch the error thrown by the Checkpoint Property everytime you run it?
I would like to create a test like this below in Keyword where the Checkpoint Properties does not throw an error in the logs and make the test failing
IsScanningCompleted = False
AddDelay = 0
While IsScanningCompleted <> True AND AddDelay < 1h
if Checkpoint(Object.property.Value) <> True then
AddDelay = AddDelay + 10000
Delay (AddDelay)
IsScanningCompleted = True
end if
end while
If AddDelay => 1h then
Log(Issue with Scanning)
Log(Scanning Successfull)
end ifThank you for your help again :)
Best Regards