Forum Discussion

anatar02's avatar
12 years ago

How to set the value based on the "childNode" in xml

Hi All, 

I am working on the xml formate files where i need to update the node value based on the childNode values which i given!!! 




here.... i need to update the node of qty!!! i here reached the node of qty...but i dont know what is method to set the value fro node....

function setNodeValue(childNode,nodeNumber)





  var xmlDoc, s;

  var actualPath="T:\\Config\\Parameters\\params.xml";


  // Specify your file name

  var FileName = actualPath;


  // Load xml file

  xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");




  // Check errors

  if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0)


    s = "Reason: " + xmlDoc.parseError.reason + "\n" +

        "Line: " + xmlDoc.parseError.line + "\n" +

        "Text: " + xmlDoc.parseError.srcText;

    Log.Error("Failed to open file " + FileName, s);




  // Specify your XPath expression 

  var xmlNode = xmlDoc.selectNodes("//"+childNode);



  if (xmlNode != null)


  for (var i = 0; i < xmlNode["length"]; i++)


    var actual=xmlNode.item(nodeNumber).text;


    return actual;





please help me how can i update the qty node?

  • Hi Ashok,


    Where do you see the results? Don't forget to save the updated XML file:


5 Replies

  • I think you can do that like this:

    xmlNode.item(nodeNumber).text = "new value";
  • Thanks for your reply !!! 

    but it was not updating the node value!!!
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Ashok,


    Where do you see the results? Don't forget to save the updated XML file:


  • Thanks for your reply!! 

    but i did not get you!! you mean i need to save the file once i updated by using below code 

    =xmlNode.item(nodeNumber).text="new Value"