How to remove unwanted "/" from a string
I am using FullName property of a label object and then splitting the string to get the Full Name of Dynamic parent.
This FullName Property returning the string as :"Mobile.Device(\"iPad\").Process(\"iA360 StageTest\").Window(0).TableView(0).TableViewCell(0, 2). Label(\"Gallo PICO\", 0)".
I am unable to remove "\" from the string using replace method or split method of javascript.Aways getting syntax error because of "\'. Can some guide me how can I remove "\" from the above string and get below string
"Mobile.Device("iPad").Process("iA360 StageTest").Window(0).TableView(0).TableViewCell(0, 2). Label("Gallo PICO", 0)".
Thanks in advance.
Hi, meenakshiyadav1 ,
I have made you a film showing my work with the "FullName" property of a given object.
The video shows that you don't need to format a sequence of characters to create an object from such a sequence of characters taken from the "FullName" property.
The problem you are presenting does not concern the character "\" at all. In programming languages, such a "\" character in a string means running away from special characters (in your case it is a " character) because the whole string is enclosed in double-quotes.
So the correct character to remove from the string is " and not {What you see on the video}.
Summary of the film:
1) newStr -> represents the division of the character string into an array by " which may allow you to manipulate the array after it is connected. Note that if you glue it again in the string it will again show up "\" because it's an escape sign from special characters!2) WWFUllName, ReplaceWWWFUllName, ReplaceWWFUllName2
Here you can see that it is not possible to format this string using a character \ you can do it by " (as above)3) evalObjECT and result
Create an object from a string of characters taken from the FullName property and then extract the property from it.Is that what you mean?
In general, know that you can dynamically search for such elements using .find() by looking at the structure of objects and not only downwards but also upwards using a property such as .Parent.
Let me know if this helped you.