Forum Discussion

Sravani93's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

How to read a dynamically generated file using regular expression



I want to compare a ".csv" file that's generated during the test to a baseline. I added the baseline to the Files check point using 'byte to byte' comparison. The issue is the file generated is dynamic and has a timestamp at the end [with format - Output_2022-07-21.csv]. I am trying to use regular expression in the file path as shown below but it fails. Can you please help?


function Test1()


Also if there is any other way to read such type of file please advise.


Thanks in advance!


  • Kitt's avatar
    3 years ago

    Try this:




    function findFiles() {  
      var foundFiles, aFile;
      foundFiles = aqFileSystem.FindFiles("C:\\Exported_Data", "Output*.csv");
      if (!strictEqual(foundFiles, null)) {
        while (foundFiles.HasNext()) {
          aFile = foundFiles.Next();
      else {
        Log.Message("No files were found.");




  • Hi Sravani93 


    If the directory will only have one file then you could use aqFIleSystem.FindFiles function to get the path to that one file. Something like this:

    var pathToDirectory = "c:\\";
    var searchPattern = "*.txt";
    var files = aqFileSystem.FindFiles(pathToDirectory , searchPattern, false);
    var file = file.Next();
    var path = file.Path;


    If there will be more than one file in that directory then you could try a couple of different things. 

    1. Get the list of files before and after running your test. Then compare the lists to find the new file.  

    2. If each test creates a new file then you could just get the most recent file:  The code below comes from this post: Solved: Re: How to Validate recently downloaded output Exc... - SmartBear Community

        function getMostRecentCreatedFile(directoryPath, searchPattern)
          var newestFilePath = "";
          var previousCreationTime = "1/1/1900";
            var files = aqFileSystem.FindFiles(directoryPath, searchPattern, false);
            if (files != null)
                var file = files.Next();
                var creationTime = aqFile.GetCreationTime(file.Path);
                if (aqDateTime.Compare(creationTime, previousCreationTime) == 1)
                  previousCreationTime = creationTime;
                  newestFilePath = file.Path;
            Log.Error("Exception in getMostRecentCreatedFile", e.descrpition);
          return newestFilePath;
        function testGetFile()
          var filePath=getMostRecentCreatedFile("C:\\Users\\herrerae\\Downloads", "*.xlsx");


  • Hi Sravani93 


    If the directory will only have one file then you could use aqFIleSystem.FindFiles function to get the path to that one file. Something like this:

    var pathToDirectory = "c:\\";
    var searchPattern = "*.txt";
    var files = aqFileSystem.FindFiles(pathToDirectory , searchPattern, false);
    var file = file.Next();
    var path = file.Path;


    If there will be more than one file in that directory then you could try a couple of different things. 

    1. Get the list of files before and after running your test. Then compare the lists to find the new file.  

    2. If each test creates a new file then you could just get the most recent file:  The code below comes from this post: Solved: Re: How to Validate recently downloaded output Exc... - SmartBear Community

        function getMostRecentCreatedFile(directoryPath, searchPattern)
          var newestFilePath = "";
          var previousCreationTime = "1/1/1900";
            var files = aqFileSystem.FindFiles(directoryPath, searchPattern, false);
            if (files != null)
                var file = files.Next();
                var creationTime = aqFile.GetCreationTime(file.Path);
                if (aqDateTime.Compare(creationTime, previousCreationTime) == 1)
                  previousCreationTime = creationTime;
                  newestFilePath = file.Path;
            Log.Error("Exception in getMostRecentCreatedFile", e.descrpition);
          return newestFilePath;
        function testGetFile()
          var filePath=getMostRecentCreatedFile("C:\\Users\\herrerae\\Downloads", "*.xlsx");


  • Your example has too many periods in it.  I would try Output*.csv



    • Sravani93's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I am seeing this error: 

      There is no item or file named "C:\Exported_Data\Output*.csv".
      • Kitt's avatar
        Regular Contributor

        Try this:




        function findFiles() {  
          var foundFiles, aFile;
          foundFiles = aqFileSystem.FindFiles("C:\\Exported_Data", "Output*.csv");
          if (!strictEqual(foundFiles, null)) {
            while (foundFiles.HasNext()) {
              aFile = foundFiles.Next();
          else {
            Log.Message("No files were found.");