Forum Discussion

IRISQATeam's avatar
12 years ago

How to handle same window but different height on different OS


I have two windows which have same name but has different sizes on different operating systems. One solution is that I can have 3 different windows in NameMapping according to their sizes.

Is there anyway I can use regular expressions and just have only window in NameMapping to work in different OS? 

When I tried to use regular expression, it only takes intergar values. 
  • sastowe's avatar
    Super Contributor
    What kind of windows are you talking about? I am not clear what you are doing with size that would affect the object recognition. Can you be more specific about the nature of your issue?
  • In fact I am working on desktop application, where I have two dialogs which have same name. To make them different I used height/width property in NameMapping. Now I face the problem that these dialogs have different height/width on different operating systems.

    When I mapped into NameMapping I was using Windows 7 , the width was 623. It worked fine in Windows 7 but doesn't work on Windows Vista/Windows 8 where width is different.

    I tried to use regular expression in width but it only accepts integar values.

  • sastowe's avatar
    Super Contributor
    I did not know about the required children topic that was suggested. But yes, finding some other way to uniquely id the different windows is the way to go.