How to get aqDlg.MessageDlg to function in Keyword test?
I've been scouring the documentation, this forum, and Google but I can't get this function to work in my keyword testing. I just need a simple dialog at the start of a test, that warns the user that some files will be deleted as a part of the test and provides them two buttons, OK and Abort (or Cancel, I just saw that Abort was a choice).
According to the documentation:
aqDlg.MessageDlg(Message, DlgType, Btns)
But I can't get this to work at all. Every attempt is met with:
An error occurred while executing the code snippet: NameError: name 'aqDlg' is not defined
A simple dialog with an OK button, works fine via ShowMessage(), but I really need the two choices and not just OK. Any pointers as to why this function refuses to work are appreciated.
This should give you a starting point,
MessageDlg("All files will be deleted", 1, 12, 0);
which will show,
Alternatively, create a custom form via and
You can create forms in TestComplete