Forum Discussion

Kaloyan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

How to fire event

Hi Guys,
I have a Navigation Bar with few items inside it. If i go to the TestComplete "Object Browser" , navigate to that Navigation Bar , under its "Events" tab i do see ListItemClick event. Here is the full "path" to it - Aliases["PtDoc"]["frmMain"]["sslbarNavigationBar"]["ListItemClick"].

This event is fired in our application by passing an INT value to it for e.g. 

So i ran this function:
function Test1()





but i have the following error:
Unable to find the object ListItemClick(3). See Additional Information for details. 8:40:11 Normal Error

Additional info for the error: object with the specified attributes does not exist.


So how can i fire the ["ListItemClick"] event from the event tab ?



The object does exist since i can see it inside the event tab.


5 Replies

  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero



    What type of object you are trying to do the operation?


    Can you post some screen shot object properties?

    • Kaloyan's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Please see the attached screenshot - here are the events inside "Events" tab 

      • Kaloyan's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Here are the properties of the object