Forum Discussion

Nikolayev's avatar
2 years ago

How to check the values in an EXEL FILE opened during the test


I have to do a test wich is opening an Exel File.

Then when the file is open during the tests, I have to do check point of the name of the COLUMN wich are  : Nom Fichier - Id Emetteur - Periode - Numero URSSAF/SVN2 - Date Creation 

Like this screenshot :



In the log it should appear like this :


The table checkpoint "Nom Fichier" passed
The table checkpoint "ID Emetteur" passed
The table checkpoint "Periode" passed
The table checkpoint "Numero URSSAF/SVN2" passed
The table checkpoint "Date Creation" passed


I think it is quite simple but I don't know how to do this

Can you help please ?


Kind Regards

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