Forum Discussion

tlalok's avatar
14 years ago

How to change scripting language of an existing project


I have created a test project and worked with it for a while.

Now I realized that I did not select the right scripting language.

I understand, that the scripting language is selected when creating a project.

But how can I change the scripting language afterwards?

I have not found any project property for this purpose.

Thanks & regards,

- Carsten

18 Replies

  • The project already has a lot of keyword tests and database checkpoints.

    So there seems to be no other way but creating a new project and trying to add the existing test project items one by one to the new project. :-(


    - Carsten
  • mgroen's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    is there any way how I can see what script language is used in a project?

    (I want to check the projects choosen scripting language - I know I've seen it somewhere, but I can't find it)

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    It's buried in the MDS file somewhere... the MDS file is an XML formatted file so you should be able to do an "Open with" notepad and search there
  • predar's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hi Alexei,

    It worked. Thank you very much.

    Note: I didn't find any reference in the .mds file to the script file extension (.vbs. The default scripting language was visual basic)

    I want a vote too for this nice to have feature.
  • william_roe's avatar
    Super Contributor

    I've been able to change the script language in a project by comparing the 'Language' attriute across the four projects (mds) in the suite in Notepad++ and changing the mismatched language.


    Script Language.JPG