Forum Discussion

funmay's avatar
5 years ago

How to call a step in Step definition in TestComplete

How can i call step into another scenario for the Step definition.I know how to do this in Specflow but i do not how the to call the step in other to avoid duplication.Could you please give me exampl...
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    5 years ago



    What about this:


    public class MySteps: Steps

    Given("I want to create a sales order") ------------Senario 1 - step definition

    public void CreateSalesOrder()



    Given("I open the sales order page") ------------Senario 1 - step definition

    public void SalesOrderOpened()



    Given("I click the add new order button") ------------Senario 1 - step definition

    public void ClickNewButton()



    Then("a new sales order is created") ------------Senario 1 - step definition

    public void OrderCreated()




    public void __CreateOrder()







    ------For scenario 2's first step which would be calling scenario 1 step definitions

    [Given("I have created an order")]
    public void CreateOrder()
