Forum Discussion

surajshirure's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

How to access inside content of QT scrollarea_viewport?

I want to access content inside  QT scrollarea_viewport. Content within this are not mappable. I have tried different ways including adding class in MSAA, QT controls.



  • Hopefully this will help... at least I'm now able to interact with Combox Control. 


    1).  In the TestLeft project, you will need to initialize the ObjectMapping for the QT controls:


    public static void ConfigureTestLeftOptions()


    // List of QT Controls that can be mapped:
    // Calendar widget, Combo box, Check box, Menu, Scroll bar, Tab widget, Spin box, Tool button, Line edit, Radio button, Push button, Text edit, Tree widget, Date - time edit, Double spin box, Slider, Menu bar, Table widget, List widget.


    driver.Options.ObjectMapping["Qt Controls"]["List widget"].AddClassName("ZSqlListView");
    driver.Options.ObjectMapping["Qt Controls"]["List widget"].AddClassName("drop_list");
    driver.Options.ObjectMapping["Qt Controls"]["Table widget"].AddClassName("CadListView");
    driver.Options.ObjectMapping["Qt Controls"]["Combo box"].AddClassName("ZSqlComboBox");
    driver.Options.ObjectMapping["Qt Controls"]["Combo box"].AddClassName("ZSqlValueComboBox");

    . . . 


    2) Using the ISpyTool navigate to the Combobox 


    Then Rt. Click and select Copy Identification


    3) Using the logic from Copy Identification  set up a method to derive the object:

    For Example:  (Notice need to CAST to the correct Object Type)

    private IComboBox Control_CFSLogCboPresets(IDriver driver, int iCustomTimeout = 5000)
    IComboBox iControl = driver.Find<IProcess>(new ProcessPattern { ProcessName = "leds" })
    .Find<ITopLevelWindow>(new QtPattern() { QtClassName = "CoreMainWindow", QtText = "CentralSquare Public Safety Suite Professional", Index = 1 })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { QtClassName = "CoreWindow", QtText = "", QtIndex = 1 })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { QtClassName = "ScreenPane", QtText = "", QtIndex = 1 })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { QtClassName = "ZScreenContainer", QtText = "", QtIndex = 2 })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { QtClassName = "ZScrollView", QtText = "", QtIndex = 1 })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { objectName = "qt_scrollarea_viewport" })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { QtClassName = "QFrame", QtText = "", QtIndex = 1 })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { objectName = "CFSLog_scr" })
    .Find<IControl>(new QtPattern() { objectName = "zdrDateRange" })
    .Find<IComboBox>(new QtPattern() { objectName = "cboPresets" },
    1, iCustomTimeout); //Level and Timeout value

    return iControl;


    4.  Derive the object and the variable will look something like:


    (note this screen shot is after the combobox has been selected)


    5.  Select an item in the Combobox:


        // Derive the object

        var controlCboCommand = _commonInterface.DeriveControl(_pageCfsLogInterface.FuncDeriveControlCFSCboCommand);


       // Select 'ASSIGN' in the combobox
