Forum Discussion

motorola's avatar
12 years ago

how smartbear determine object tree hierarchy

I want to know how smartbear generate the object tree hierarchy? you know, this UI component is a child of that component, but parent of these components. and sometimes the the same component may have different parent on different run and perhaps a different name. also, what's the difference between name mapping and alias? thanks

1 Reply

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    > I want to know how smartbear generate the object tree hierarchy? 

    > [...] also, what's the difference between name mapping and alias?

    BTW, SmartBear's documentation (at least for TestComplete, LoadComplete, AQtime and AutomatedBuildStudio) is one of the best ones I ever seen (MSDN could be a valid comparison but they are of different 'weight categories') and really worth reading when you have time. It contains not only articles thatdescribe different product areas, but also covers general topics, like, for example, consideration of different test types or how application profiling works.