Forum Discussion

sanjayvaniya's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

How do I open a second window from the first window in WPF technology

Hi All, 


I'm currently working on a problem that bothers me a bit.


I run in browser tests for a wpf application.


Now, while having opened one of the browsers with the application under test (IE, Chrome and FF) i need also to open a second browser screen (that needs to stay open during the testing of the cross browser testing). The additional browser is IE (as the application from which i need to compare with only runs in IE (silverlight)).  How can I open the additional IE browser with the second appilication while doing cross browser testing on the three other browsers.


  • Only for those specific steps Launch IE browser by script and test it. Remaining can be common.


    For Example:

    Most of the steps:

    Specific steps. Browsers.Item("iexplore").Run(), then follow the next steps. 


    Code customization is required.

1 Reply

  • Vallalarasu_P's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Only for those specific steps Launch IE browser by script and test it. Remaining can be common.


    For Example:

    Most of the steps:

    Specific steps. Browsers.Item("iexplore").Run(), then follow the next steps. 


    Code customization is required.