Forum Discussion

jope's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

How can I avoid setting af breakpoint?


I have a problem when comparing 2 pictures (screenshots). It works as expected when I use a breakpoint and continue test execution immediately but fails when I remove the breakpoint. Adding a delay instead of the breakpoint does not solve the problem.

I am testing some undo (similar to MS Office Ctrl-z) and redo (similar to MS Office Ctrl-y) functionality.

I use the following (pseudo)code: 

Set L_ObjPicture_A=MyOwnName.Picture()


Then I do some changes and a corresponding numbers of undo and redo.

Now I have the same screen as when I started.

Set L_ObjPicture_B=MyOwnName.Picture()


The A and B files are different when I run the whole script, but equal if I set a breakpoint at the line with Set L_ObjPicture_B=MyOwnName.Picture() and then immediately continue running the script.

Excluding the mouse cursor makes no difference and a delay of several seconds before the line with Set L_ObjPicture_B=MyOwnName.Picture() does not solve the problem.

Do you have any ideas what I can do instead of setting a breakpoint?

Best regards

Johnny Pedersen

5 Replies

  • jope's avatar
    New Contributor

    I attach the two different bitmap files. When I run my script with a breakpoint the resulting files are equal.



  • Hi Johnny,

    There are slight differences between the two images - possibly caused by gradients or smoothing. Setting the PixelTolerance and the ColorTolerance parameters of the Region checkpoint to 4 will make TestComplete treat them as equal: 

    var img2 = Utils.Picture; 

    img2.LoadFromFile("d:\\DELETE ME\\A\\AA.bmp"); 

    Regions.A_bmp.Check(img2, false, false, 4, 4); 

    In the future, I recommend that you follow the suggestion provided in the Why Image Comparison Fails help topic if you face such problems again.
  • jope's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hi Allen

    Thanks for your advice.

    BR Johnny