Help with an error message when executing a keyword test.
Good afternoon, and thank you for taking the time to read this.
I am having trouble with a keyword test.
The piece giving me trouble is referencing a value in a spreadsheet in a column called “DCRA Annual Amt”. The data in the spreadsheet are all set up properly as project level variables.
The part I am struggling with is a basic If…Then statement that basically says:
If ProjectSuite.Variables.EmpData("DCRA Annual Amt") Equals Decline, do this… Else do this.
This was not working.
To troubleshoot, I added a Code Snipped, showMessage… just before the If…Then to show me what the value was that is being read from the Excel sheet to be used in the If…Then:
BuiltIn.ShowMessage(ProjectSuite.Variables.EmpData("DCRA Annual Amt"))
This is failing, giving me the following error:
An error occurred while executing the code snippet: Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (String) and I am guessing if the messagebox can’t find the value, then this has something to do with the If…Then failing as well.
I have attached screenshots of both the keyword test and the spreadsheet.
What is making me crazy is if I change the Code Snipped to look at any of the other fields in my spreadsheet to the left or right of the DCRA Annual Amt field, I receive the expected value returned in the message box. It’s just this column that is causing me trouble. I have attached a screenshot.
My question is, what could be causing the An error occurred while executing the code snippet: Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (String) message?
The DB provider chooses whether a column is considered as data or text. Changing the format of the data only changes the view of the data, not the underlying value. What happens if you write a little test to read the values for a column one at a time and log them?
For more information, check this article Using Excel Files as Data Storages and this Forum article Trouble getting desired excel data